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1. Targeted reader

This documentation is intended for users of the MicroSERVER application, allowing the visualization of data supplied from SIREA PLCs.

2. Software presentation

3. API

3.1 Obsolescence

This API is available on MicroSERVER until version vX.

3.2 General

This document details the HTTP requests that will allow the user to interact with MicroSERVER for CGI processing, thus providing an interface between the Web server and client programs.

3.3 Functions

3.3.1 Authentification

Python syntax:

import requests
server_uri = 'URI'
user = 'USER'
password = 'PASS'
query = 'QUERY'
resp = requests.post(server_uri + query, {'usr': user, 'pwd': password})

AJAX syntax:

var user = 'USER';
var password = 'PASS';
var query = 'QUERY';
function on_response(data, status, xhr) {
    // do something
$.post(query, {usr: user, pwd: password}, on_response);
URIIP address or hostname of the server hosting the database
USERUser login
PASSWORDUser password associated to the user login
QUERYQuery according to PHP functions listed in the following document
Use POST method for “usr” and “pwd” parameters for security reasons.

Python query exemple:

import requests
server_uri = ''
user = 'username'
password = 'password'
query = '/get_variables?dev=1'
resp = requests.post(server_uri + query, {'usr': user, 'pwd': password})

AJAX query exemple:

var user = 'username';
var password = 'password';
var query = '/get_variables?dev=1';
function on_response(data, status, xhr) {
    // do something
$.post(query, {usr: user, pwd: password}, on_response);

3.3.2 get_variables.php

This query retrieves the value of one or several variables.

DEVID of the device
N1, N2, NnID (or address or name) of the variable from which the value is to be obtained. The same request allows to retrieve the value of one or several variables, with no limit
You can use “dev” parameter OR “var” parameters, but only one of them is mandatory.

Syntax of the XML return script:

<timestamp>Moment of the last change in the variable, measured in seconds since the first of September 1970
<rowid>Variable ID index
<address>Variable address
<name>Variable name
<value>Value of the variable, without format
<fvalue>Value of the variable, including the format previously defined in MicroSERVER
<alarm>0 when there are no active alarms associated to this variable and 1 if there are any active alarms associated to this variable
<ack>0 when alarm isn’t acknowledged and 1 if alarm is acknowledged

Query exemple:

XML return script exemple:

      <fvalue>12 W</fvalue>
      <fvalue>10 A</fvalue>

3.3.3 get_al.php

This query retrieves all the active alarms in MicroSERVER, or all active alarms associated to a variable or to a device.

DEVID of the device
VARID (or address or name) of the variable from which the value is to be obtained.
You can use “dev” parameter OR “var” parameters.

Syntax of the XML return script:

<timestamp>Moment of the last change in the variable, measured in seconds since the first of September 1970
<log_index>Entry ID of the log regarding alarm
<var_index>ID index of the queried or associated variable
<dev_index>Index of the device to which the variable belongs
<alarm>Alarm label associated to the active alarm
<ack_timestamp>Moment of alarm acknowledgment, if acknowledged; otherwise this field remains empty
<ack_user>Identification of the user that has acknowledged the alarm, if acknowledged; otherwise this field remains empty
<ack_comment>Comment related to the alarm acknowledgement indicated by the ack_user if acknowledged; otherwise this field remains empty

Query exemple:

XML return script exemple:

      <alarm>Communication default</alarm>

3.3.4 get_bg.php

This query retrieves data from a start date and groups them according to the period requested for each variable.

TIMEBeginning of the period as timestamp
PERIODType of period:
– 1 = A year with data grouped by month
– 2 = A month with data grouped by day
– 3 = A day with data grouped by hour
– 4 = An hour with data grouped by 5 minutes periods
TZTimezone string, for example “Europe/Paris” 
N1, N2, NnID (or address or name) of the variable from which the value is to be obtained. The same request allows to retrieve the value of one or several variables, with no limit
“var1” parameter is mandatory.

Syntax of the XML return script:

<var_index>ID index of the queried variable
<timestamp>Beginning of the period, measured in seconds since the first of September 1970
<value1>Value of the variable, without format

Query exemple:

XML return script exemple:

The correct field name for “value” is <value1> and not <value>.

3.3.5 get_tr.php

This query retrieves a set of values ​​over a defined period for each variable.

MINTIMEBeginning of the period as timestamp
MAXTIMEEnd of the period as timestamp
NPMax limit of values to retrieve
N1, NnID (or address or name) of the variable from which the value is to be obtained. The same request allows to retrieve the value of one or several variables, with no limit
PVAL, PMULTPeriod under the way “pval * pmult” seconds. For exemple, for “4 hours”, pval = 4 et pmult = 3600.
“var1” parameter is mandatory.

Syntax of the XML return script:

<timestamp>Timestamp of the point, measured in seconds since the first of September 1970
<rowid>ID of the log entry of the point
<var_index>ID index of the queried variable
<value>Value of the point, without format

Query exemple:

XML return script exemple:


3.3.6 get_log.php

This query retrieves a set of events ​​over a defined period for each variable.

CATCategory of the log to retrieve :
– 2 = Events
– 3 = Alarms
– 4 = Values
LASTIDID of the log entry of the point from which to retrieve following results
PERIODPeriod duration in seconds since current date.
MINTIMEBeginning of the period as timestamp
MAXTIMEEnd of the period as timestamp
N1, NnID (or address or name) of the variable from which the value is to be obtained. The same request allows to retrieve the value of one or several variables, with no limit
“var1” parameter is mandatory and if “period” is provided, “mintime” and “maxtime” are ignored. 

Syntax of the XML return script:

<rowid>ID of the log entry of the point
<dev_index>ID index of the associated device (if no variable queried)
<var_index>ID index of the queried variable
<var_address>Address of the associated variable (if no variable queried)
<var_name>Name of the associated variable (if no variable queried)
<value>Value of the point, without format
<ack_timestamp>Timestamp of the acknowledgment, measured in seconds since the first of September 1970 (if “cat” = 3)
<ack_user>Username of the user who acknowledged (if “cat” = 3)
<ack_comment>Comment of the acknowledgment (if “cat” = 3)
<timestamp>Timestamp of the point, measured in seconds since the first of September 1970

Query exemple:

XML return script exemple:


3.3.7 set_variables.php

This query updates one or several variables.

N1, N2ID (or address or name) of the variable from which the value is to be obtained. The same request allows to retrieve the value of one or several variables, with no limit
V1, V2Value of the variable regarding his order in the request as “var” parameter.
“var1” parameter and “value1” parameter are mandatory.

Syntax of the XML return script:

<status>“OK” or “ERR”
<error>Corresponds to a numeric error code

Query exemple:

XML return script exemple:


3.3.8 set_user.php

This query updates the information related to the user logged in.

NPASSNew password to set to the user login
LOCALERegional format as ISO 639-1 code to set to the user login
EMAILEmail to set to the user login
PHONEPhone number format to set to the user login
ARF, IRFActive or inactive report filter period of the user login. Each period must be separated by a semicolon, and each period is composed of 4 fields:
– First field: Weekday (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7)
– Second field: Day of month (1 to 31)
– Third field: Month (1 to 12)
– Fourth field: Hour (0 to 23)
Each field must be separated by space. You can put a value, or several separated by a comma, or a star to say “all”. For exemple: “2,5 * * *;7 1 2,10 3” means all Tuesday or Friday of the year AND Sunday 1st on February or October at 3 AM.
Only ‘fr’, ‘gb’ and ‘us’ ISO 639-1 code are supported in "locale" parameter. 

Syntax of the XML return script:

<status>“OK” or “ERR”

Query exemple:,5+*+*+*;7+1+2,10+3
Spaces must be replaced by “+” or “%20” in HTTP query to be considered as spaces.

XML return script exemple:

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